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SUPER SAIYA-JIN:This form of saiya-jin was only supposed to be reached by one saiya-jin evey 1000 years and it was only supposed to be done in oozaru form but goku changed that by changing on namek when freeza killed kuririn. the saiya-jins hair spike up and becomes gold there ki also becomes gold their power increases greatly all stats are increased
SAIYA-JINS TO REACH THIS FORM:son goku, son gohan, son goten, vegeta, brolly, all fusions, goku jr., vegeta jr., chibi and mirai trunks


SUPER SAIYA-JIN 2ND GRADE:This stage is in between SSJ and SSJ2 but you do not have to achieve it to be SSJ2. When a saiya-jin turns SSJ 2nd grade his hair is more spikey and is mor defined, the saiyans body size increases greatly as well as their power and speed.
SAIYA-JINS TO REACH: vegeta, son goku, trunks


SUPER SAIYA-JIN 3RD GRADE:This grade of SSJ is like the second grade but you power level and streangth rise imensly but you become so big you muscles slow you down so this level is pretty much useless
SAIYA-JINS TO REACH: Trunks and son were the only ones that became this level but vegeta also had the ability


SUPER SAIYA-JIN 2: This level of SSJ  is as powerful as an Ultra Super Saiya-jin, but doesn't have the bulky muscle mass slowing it down, there is an increase of strength but it isnt as great as from Saiya-jin to Super Saiya-jin. In order to reach this form, the Saiya-jin must be able to max out the Super Saiya-jin form and must undergo an extreme amount of rage. This level almost looks the exact same as a regular Super Saiyan except the hair is a more radiant shade of gold and is more spikey. 
SAIYA-JIN TO REACH: vegeta, goku, vegitto, gogeta, gotenks


SUPER SAIYA-JIN 3: This is the most powerful SSJ form just barely above LSSJ(legendary super saiya-jin) in this stage your hair becomes really long and you lose your eyebrows, it takes an imense amount of ki to become this form there for you cant stay in it for very long. Everything increases imensley
SAIYA-JINS TO REACH:  Son Goku, Gotenks


LEGENDARY SUPER SAIYA-JIN: This level of SSJ is like the SSJ3 level but is just a little bit weaker, and you dont have the long hair and dont lose your eyebrows. The saiya-jin also becomes huge


MYSTIC: This level brings all your dormant power out it is almost the equivilant to a SSJ3

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